The greatest unjust and murderous act mankind has ever seen is still ongoing. Because it is not even condemned, lest punished. And it's not the Jewish Holocaust. Not that the Holocaust was not an abominable act. It was, and it was
terribly wrong. But yet, there was something worse than that and echoes of it are still heard today (and people are still killed for it).
Dedicate 85 minutes of your life to this movie (if you have not seen it yet):
The Soviet Story by Edvins Snore.
Many words that need spoken will just remain mute after watching this soul shattering movie. However I want to ask that may be obvious to many but yet unspoken:
Why do Saddam Hussein and Stalin look alike? Why does Janis Dzinters (the KGB interogator in the soviet occupied Latvia) looks like Radko Mladic? Do genocidal monsters have a common DNA? WHY do they look the same?
And finally: if Putin had a toothbrush mustache and black hair, would he look like Hitler?...
The final part of the movie is terrifying and raises a good question: why is European Union still quiet about the terror and genocide that happened after the Nazi Germany was defeated? And more, why are the statues of Marx and Engels still standing?
We are fast approaching treacherous times and, as a historian of my country said more than 60 years ago (before he was executed by nazis): People who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.
It's time for us Europeans to get our shit straight so we don't live what our grandfathers suffered.