Monday, December 5, 2011

Theft is legal

Trade forex

2000 years of history

Old habits die hard. European habits are 2000 years old. I by now, am starting to believe they are immortal.

It's not cool to be nationalistic. It's cool to be United Europe.

But also, it's not cool for our European Leaders to take half-measure decisions. Like imposing a common fiscal policy without a common European democracy. 

I want to vote for EU President. I want to vote for the European Commission President. I want to vote for the general prosecutor. And by all means I want to have an Army if we're going to have a common fiscal policy anyway.

I guess since Europe never had democracy for 2000 years (on all its territory at once) why start now?

I   W A N T   T O   V O T E !

Saturday, December 3, 2011

We will NEVER forget!

A comment on the site of UK newspaper The Telegraph about the current Euro crisis synthesizes the opinion of common people from Britain but also more often than not the opinion of British politicians:

"European politicians have almost created the very monster they claim that the United States of Europe was designed to prevent: future conflict. And still they cry "we need more Europe, not less."

It is past time for sanity to emerge; for the Euro to be abandoned and the EU to be remodeled into nothing more than a Single Market."

I want to send my own message to Britain today: 

Thank you for saving us from nazi troops. We will never forget.

Thank you for doing your best to destroy Euro and the European Union, and throw us all into misery just so you can save your damned pound and wrecked economy. 
We will NEVER forget!