Some stupid fuck (Paul Paulman), executive of a no name company that produces nothing gives an interview in Bloomberg saying that Europe is facing 10 years of stagnation. That is the equivalent of a condamnation to war. Or civil war. That's the way to go boy. How dum must a company like Bloomberg be to publish this? Even if it were true - to who and to what purpose would serve such an assesment? Am I gonna start buying your usless shit you dumass just because you declare we have no hope?
On the same page the same orangutan declares that U.S. "grapples" (what a stupid word) with the "emerging poor class". Meaning that U.S. is turning maybe for the first time in history socialist.
You, mr. P. Paulman, are truly a specimen that fits perfectly in the Darwin Awards book of fame. You just need to buy that grenades to protect yourself for when the war comes home and check if the pin works okay.
You dumb fuck.